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Q: What is the Work Prioritization Team (WPT)?


The Work Prioritization Team (WPT) serves as a body to coordinate and optimize the projects and technologies being introduced into MIT via IS&T for the most effective operational impact and the most efficient use of resources to leverage for planning and decision making.

  • The Work Prioritization Team will be established at IS&T to prioritize work and drive effective allocation of scarce resources (such as capital and people) on a project-by-project basis
  • The WPT will review and provide direction regarding the use of:
    • Approve and Prioritize projects being introduced to IS&T
    • Develop and manage schedule of projects & investments
    • Align project portfolio to the community roadmap
    • Align project portfolio to the IT strategy
    • Monitor project status and performance and provide risk and risk remediation
    • Facilitate resolution of conflicting priorities across IS&T and community requests

Roles and Responsibilities

The key roles and responsibilities of the Work Prioritization Team (WPT) include the following:

Domain Role/Responsibility
Decision Making
  • Approve and Prioritize projects being introduced to IS&T
  • Develop and manage schedule of projects & investments
  • Align project portfolio to the community roadmap
  • Align project portfolio to the IT strategy
  • Monitor project status and performance and provide risk and risk remediation
  • Facilitate resolution of conflicting priorities across IS&T and community requests
  • Solicit and consider input from other members during decision making process
  • Document rationale for decision in meeting minutes or other documentation
  • Escalation of major issues and project approvals based on $ threshold to SLT
  • Recommend a course of action and provide supporting analyses (when issues are escalated from another governing body, e.g., ARB)
  • Communicate decisions to across IS&T and other key stakeholders in accordance with communications plan
  • Keep SLT informed of major decisions and overall status as appropriate
Ongoing Activities
  • Monitor and control major IT investments and projects
  • Represent interests across all of MIT
Ad-Hoc Activities
  • Create temporary teams to address specific tasks


  • What projects go to the WPT?
    • All new projects must be approved and prioritized by the WPT.
    • Any recently approved project that may need additional consideration, resourcing, etc.
    • Certain work identified by the CPT Director will have a “fast track” to begin work prior to WPT approval.
    • All projects will be reviewed for project health and status
  • How do I submit my projects to be considered and approved by the WPT?
    • Complete the online ROM form 2 days prior to the next WPT (Form managed by PPMO).
    • ROMs are created by the Community Partnership Team BA’s with input from the Community (Scope/Requirements) and IS&T resources as necessary.
  • What is my role at the WPT?
    • For major projects, BA’s will be asked to present the ROM to the WPT.
    • For minor projects, the WPT will review the information provided in the ROM.
  • How often does the WPT meet?
    • The WPT meets every two weeks, on Tuesdays. An interactive Web calendar will be created with all Governance board meetings.

Submitting Project Proposals

Project Proposals will be submitted using the Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) Template

  • The purpose of the ROM is to help narrow the field of possible projects to those most likely to provide the most significant benefit to IS&T. The ROM documents the business opportunity, scope, solution options, resource and cost estimates to facilitate the selection process.
  • ROM Fields include:
    • Background Information (Project name, requester, etc.)
    • Define Community Opportunity and Benefit
    • Project Scope, Objectives and Risks
    • Define Community Strategic Alignment to the Roadmap (if applicable)
    • Technology Roadmap Alignment (Technology strategic plans, service portfolio, etc.)
    • Resource level of effort estimates
    • Cost Estimations (Excel tool to support Project Estimations)

Process Flow: Major Projects

Process Flow: Minor Projects: Platform Ecosystem

Process Flow: Minor Projects: Platform Engagement

Example of Portfolio metrics reviewed at the WPT


  • The composition of the Work Prioritization Team (WPT) includes senior directors and directors from across IS&T to ensure appropriate representation. However, WPT will leverage subject matter experts or other stakeholders as requested (i.e. ROM Presentations) .
  • The membership of the WPT consists of individuals identified below.
Function Name Team Role/Level
Chair Zehra Abid-Wood PPMO Director of PPMO
Co-Chair Mark Silis Enabling Team Associate VP of IS&T
Member Eamon Kearns Engagement Team Senior Director
Member Diana Hughes Planning & Administration Senior Director
Member Doug Walsh PPMO PM Lead
Member Garry Zacheiss Platform & Systems Integration Director
Member Olu Brown Platform Engagement Director
As-Needed Individuals to present projects Varies Present Project Proposals (ROMS)

Meeting Frequency and Agenda

  • The Work Prioritization Team (WPT) shall meet twice monthly. However, the meeting frequency may change to meet IS&T needs. Communications, guidance and information, such as meeting schedules, agendas and minutes will be made available by the Chair or their appointee.
  • The following high level agenda outlines a potential framework for the structure of the meeting:
    • Review portfolio status
      • Major IT initiatives status
      • Discuss existing or potential risks (e.g., Corrective Action Plans)
      • Discuss escalations from other project teams
    • Evaluate potential projects (Demand)
      • Present potential investment
      • Discussion and prioritization*** Decision (approved, rejected, deferred pending additional information or recommended changes)
    • Project financials and resource utilization
    • Review action items
    • Open discussion


  • Approve and Prioritize projects being introduced to IS&T
  • Develop and manage schedule of projects & investments
  • Align project portfolio to the community roadmap
  • Align project portfolio to the IT strategy
  • Monitor project status and performance and provide risk and risk remediation
  • Facilitate resolution of conflicting priorities across IS&T and community requests
  • See Detailed Membership Slide
  • As Needed:
    • Engagement Managers as needed (to discuss major project proposals)
    • Project Managers
  • Business & MIT IT Strategies
  • IS&T Strategy
  • Project Portfolio
  • Project Portfolio Dashboard
  • Portfolio Risks, Issues & Benefits
  • ROM’s and Business Cases
  • Forecast of resource supply
  • Forecast of available budget
  • Prioritized project portfolio
  • Schedule of projects
  • Resolution of escalated conflicts
  • The Work Prioritization Team (WPT) serves as a governance body to coordinate and optimize the projects and technologies being introduced into MIT via IS&T for the most effective operational impact and the most efficient use of resources to leverage for planning and decision making.
  • Escalation point for: Project Teams
  • Escalation to: Senior Leadership Team
Frequency Weekly

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

October 25, 2016

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