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How does this application differ from the FRC Monthly Review Report that is currently available in Cognos?

FRC Monthly Review Report (Cognos)

  • Select one month to review at a time
  • Can limit based on profit centers, supervisors, or specific cost objects – based on Roles authorizations
  • Tool is highlighting items that may be considered ‘high-risk’ i.e. JVs, Equipment, Items over $2500, etc.
  • Link to generate a PDF Sign-Off sheet
  • ‘Reviewed’ check box is only for on-screen display; does not get pulled into PDF reports

FRC Application

  • Same logic for highlighting high-risk items, plus includes a 10% sampling of transactions in addition to those items
  • Option to select Visual Review, Detailed Review, or Issue Identified.
  • As items are reviewed, they are removed from your listing
  • Keeps a running list of all transactions for the past 6 months still needing to be reviewed (activity for a new month will automatically appear on 4-5th business day of a new month)
  • Web-based record keeping of FRC; empty inbox = sign off sheet; no need for printing/saving a Sign Off Sheet

Return to Financial Review and Control (FRC) Application FAQ

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Last Modified:

May 13, 2016

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