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Why does nothing happen when I click "Finalize Form" (on 2015-16 form)?

The Finalize Form button is disabled; use Save and Close instead

On the 2015-16 PDR form, the employee sees a pink Finalize Form button that appears "clickable" during the steps 1 - Goal Setting and 2 - Mid-Year Updates. Despite its appearance, this button is actually disabled. Instead, to leave the form, the employee should select the Save and Close link to the left of the buttons – indicated in the screenshot below.

For more detailed information, see the Step-by-Step Instructions and Quick Cards

save and close link at bottom of form

Why does it work this way?

Beginning with the 2015-16 PDR year, the workflow steps 1 - Goal Setting and 2 - Mid-Year Updates are "collaborative" steps. This means that both the manager and employee can edit the form, rather than having separate, sequential steps for each person. Only the manager, though, can click the button that advances the form to the next step. This is why the button is disabled for the employee.

Note: A request has been submitted to the system vendor to hide this disabled button.

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Last Modified:

March 25, 2015

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