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Q: What happens to my Dropbox Enterprise account when I leave MIT?



MIT Dropbox accounts are retired as part of the existing account deactivation process. As much as technically possible, the process will mimic what happens to AFS lockers associated with an account that's in the deactivation process. Accounts are first suspended for a short period of time, which removes the ability to login, then deleted. Accounts may also be temporarily suspended due to violations of the rules of use or if the account is compromised.

Suspended Accounts

When an account is suspended, you will lose access to their MIT Dropbox account. This is because you will be unable to authenticate via Touchstone. Although inaccessible, the data in the Dropbox account will remain untouched, and become available again if the account is reinstated. Please note that sync’ed copies of the data will still exist on connected devices.

Deleted Accounts

When an kerberos account is deleted, the corresponding MIT Dropbox account will be deleted as well. The data within the Dropbox account will be permanently deleted 7 days from the point that the Kerberos account is deleted. Once the data is permanently deleted, it cannot be restored.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

January 05, 2024

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