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Q: How often do Request Tracker groups update their membership?


  • Request Tracker (RT) on
  • Request Tracker queue administrators
  • MIT Moira and LDAP services


Request Tracker groups with names that match centrally managed Moira groups will automatically update their membership from MIT's central Moira service nightly. Because of the large number of groups at MIT this is a nightly batch update, not a real-time update.


  • MIT's Moira service synchronizes with MIT's LDAP service, so you may see Moira and LDAP used interchangeably
  • A Moira list must have its "group" flag set ("group" or "AFS group") in order to update its RT counterpart
  • Member types
    • Only type "USER" members are currently recognized and updated
    • Type "KERBEROS" and "STRING" members are skipped
    • Type "LIST" members are expanded and added to the RT group as users (this is actually done in the LDAP sync, which flattens group hierarchies)
  • Any changes made to the RT group through the RT interface are dropped if the group updates from its Moira counterpart
  • To update the membership of a Moira group, go to the Moira web interface at

See also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

October 22, 2013

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