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How do I disable email to some requestors on an RT ticket?


  • Request Tracker (RT) on
  • Ticket tracking at MIT


Sometimes it can be useful to leave a requestor or watcher associated with a ticket, but remove her from the list of people who will get email updates. For example, you might want to keep the original requestor on a ticket even though she has passed responsibility on to a colleague, because you want to be able to later identify her as having been a requestor, or include her in a customer satisfaction survey.

Request Tracker (RT) includes to ability to "squelch" a user associated with a ticket, which will keep them from receiving any email notifications normally associated with their role on the ticket. This setting is persistent and limited to the specific ticket. You can manually "unsquelch" them, after which she will again receive any future email notifications.

This feature can also be used to disable email updates related to a ticket for watchers, such as Cc or AdminCc watchers.

To disable email to a user associated with a ticket

  1. Navigate to the People page for the ticket
    It can be reached by clicking on the People tab that appears on every ticket display and update screen
  2. At the bottom of the People page, find the section titled Modify who receives mail for ticket #...
    You will see a consolidated list of all the users who are associated with this ticket in one role or another (requestors, watchers, etc.)
  3. Un-check the box next to the user for whom you want to disable email notifications
  4. Click Save Changes

To re-enable email to a user associated with a ticket

  1. Navigate to the People page for the ticket
  2. Find the section titled Modify who receives mail for ticket #...
  3. Check the box next to the user for whom you want to re-enable email notifications
  4. Click Save Changes

See also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

March 20, 2013

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