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How do I install and activate TotalView?

Getting Help

Please note that support for TotalView is provided by the vendor, documentation and email support (registration required).

Before You Start

Ensure that your computer is connected to the Internet. If you are off campus you will need to be running the MIT VPN.

Download the documentation and TotalView installation tar files you will need for your Linux machine as well as the license file license.lic from the IS&T TotalView page to a temporary directory (MIT Certificate required).

When newer releases are distributed by the vendor we will update the version in the Grid. You can check periodically and re-download and reinstall as per the instructions below to update your installation.


Place the license.lic file you downloaded from the IS&T TotalView page into the /usr/toolworks/tv_license directory on your machine.

To verify the license you need to run the two commands below:

cd /usr/totalview/bin

./totalviewcli -verbosity error -e ".license ; dgo ; dwait ; quit -force" /bin/ls

You should now see something like: 

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 25, 2024

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