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Q: How do I maintain my EHS Training Needs?

A: Go to the "My Profile" tab of the MIT Learning Center and create EHS Profile

1. In Atlas, go to the Learning Center application and select the My Profile tab.

2. Select "Create EHS Profile" under MY EHS ACTIVITIES or "Update PI/Activities" to edit an existing Training Profile.

3. If you have a PI or Supervisor:
On the "Find your PI or Supervisor" screen, view available PIs by last name or select "search for a PI" to enter text to find your PI.


Select Continue without PI:
Advance to the Activities list

4. After selecting a PI/Supervisor or continuing without a PI, Select Your Activities
Note: Items that are highlighted in yellow are potential activities based on the PI/Supervisor selected (if applicable).

5. Submit your activity selection. Your Training Profile will display EHS Activities and PI/Supervisor affiliations.

Edit these selections using the Update PI/Activities button.

For more information, visit the My Training Profile page in the Atlas User Guide.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

November 13, 2015

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