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Q: How do I calculate statistics for a raster within the zones of another data layer in ArcGIS?


The Zonal Statistics as Table geoprocessing tool allows a user to calculate statistics from a raster within zones from a vector layer. For example, one could use a digital elevation model and a state boundaries layer to find the average elevation in each US state.

  1. In the ArcToolbox, open Spatial Analyst Tools > Zonal > Zonal Statistics as Table
    1. Input raster or feature zone data: boundary layer
    2. Zone field: unique zone identifier (e.g. name, unique ID)
    3. Input value raster: raster layer for whose value you want statistics
    4. Statistics type: by default, this tool calculates all statistics
  2. Join the table to the zone using the field you specified in 2b.

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Created by MIT GIS Services. Email gishelp(at) for more assistance.


Documentation and information provided by the MIT Community

Last Modified:

August 04, 2020

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