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Q: Why can't I see a ticket's full history in RT?

  • Instead of the history entry content I see "Message body is not shown because it is too large." Why?


This is a personal preference in RT. You can tell it how much you're willing to scroll through before it becomes annoying to you.

These steps will let you change the setting:

  1. Navigate to Logged in as... in the menu bar
  2. Go to "Settings" then "Options"
  3. Scroll down to the "Ticket display" section on the options screen
  4. Enter a larger limit in the "Maximum inline message length" text box (the default is 12000 characters). Try something large but still reasonable, like 70000. A typical line in an email message is 70 characters, so for a text email that would translate to roughly 1000 lines
  5. Click the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the screen
Although you can "unlimit" this field by setting it to 0, that is not recommended. If you get a crazy email with garbage in it, you may wait for a long time for the ticket to load.

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Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 28, 2017

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