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Q: Who can see reminders on a ticket in RT 4?


Reminders are like dated to-dos related to a ticket that are assigned to a particular person.

  • Anyone who can see a ticket can see all reminders related to it, if they go to the ticket and look at its reminders section. All reminders are displayed current, past, and future.
    Ticket Menu Bar:
    RT Ticket menu bar
    Reminders Section for a Ticket:
  • The "Reminders" section on your home page/dashboard will only show you reminders that are due (i.e. due date is now or past), incomplete (not checked off), and assigned to you.
    reminders block from RT home page
    If you click on a reminder in this section, it will take you to the reminder section for that ticket where you can check off any of the reminders (mark them done), assign them to someone else, and see other reminders related to the ticket that are not assigned to you or not currently due and open.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

January 22, 2011

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