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SnapGene Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


SnapGene is molecular biology software that allows users to plan, visualize, and document molecular biology procedures. Select the DNA fragments that you wish to fuse, and SnapGene will design the primers. It simplifies the planning of a Gibson Assembly reaction, and automates the primer design. SnapGene automatically records the steps in a cloning project. Each time you edit a sequence or simulate cloning or PCR or mutagenesis, the procedure is automatically logged in a graphical history.

SnapGene Viewer is software that allows you to create, browse, and share richly annotated DNA sequence files.

SnapGene is licensed for the following MIT community: MITnet, Lincoln Laboratory, Haystack, Laboratory for Nuclear Science, Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and  the legacy AI Lab.

For general SnapGene support, please contact the IS&T Help Desk.


Getting Started with SnapGene

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