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Working With Content Blocks

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About Blocks

Blocks are containers for content. Blocks are placed on a page by assigning them to a specific location called a region.

  • blocks contain content
  • a block is placed in a specific location on a page called a region (e.g., footer, content, sidebar)
  • blocks may be moved from one region to another
  • regions are built into the theme and may not be changed
  • a block which is not placed into any region is disabled and its content will not appear
  • blocks may be individually formatted

One of the regions in the default MIT DLC theme is named Footer and has the MIT identity block and the Shibboleth authentication (Touchstone Login) block assigned to it. The Sidebar first region has no blocks assigned to it and appears blank. When you are logged in there is a third block in the Footer region named Content Management which list shortcut links to various overlay, or options pages.

show theme regions

Viewing Your Theme's Regions

  1. From the Admin menu click Structure, then Blocks. Be sure you are looking at your current theme.
  2. To see the region locations click Demonstrate block regions (MIT DLC Theme)_.
    show theme regions

  3. Each dotted box is a named region into which you can place a block or blocks.
    named regions

Repositioning Blocks

Notice that all blocks are listed on the Blocks overlay screen.. If they are in use (enabled) they are grouped by the region in which they are located. Disabled blocks are located at the bottom of the screen. To the right of the block name is a popup menu listing all the regions.

blocks overlay screen

  1. To move a block to a different region, choose a the new region from the Regions popup menu.
    move blocks

  2. To prevent a block from being visible select None from the Regions popup menu. It will move to disabled blocks group at the bottom of the list.
  3. Click configure to work with additional options for a particular block (e.g., determine which pages will show the block or who can edit the block).
    selectively show blocks

  4. To reposition a block within a region drag the cross hair to the left of the block's name up or down.
    re-position block within region

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 07, 2020

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