Wikis Landing Page
On this page:
The Confluence-based service is available to the MIT community and its guests and collaborators. IS&T offers the MIT Wikis Service to provide MIT groups and organizations with collaborative web spaces. Any MIT community group, project, or organization can request a wiki space.
Benefits and Key Features
- Wiki spaces can be restricted to a small group of colleagues or can be opened up to the world.
- Integrates MIT's well-established Moira list management service to manage group permissions.
- For authorization, Wikis integrates with MIT's Touchstone authentication service.
How to Obtain
- To access an existing space, visit the MIT Wikis Service.
- To request your own Wikis space, Contact the IS&T Service Desk. Be sure to supply the following information:
- Space Title: e.g. Energy Savings Initiative
- Space Key: a short alphanumeric string which becomes part of the URL for the space (e.g. ENERGYSAVINGS)
- For additional information on accessing and requesting Wikis spaces, visit the IS&T Wikis page.
How to Use
Troubleshooting and FAQ's
- Group xxxx could not be found. Please confirm the existence of the group with a Confluence Administrator.
- How do I edit who has access to my space?
- How do I request that a plugin be installed for the MIT Wiki Service?
- Is there a Maximum File Upload Size for MIT Wikis
- Sharing documents
- What is the quota for my MIT Wiki space?
- Where is Wiki Markup view in the editor
- Will names of access control groups in update automatically if the Moira group name is changed ?
- Why am I seeing wiki markup instead of Rich Text in MIT Wikis?
- User xxxxx could not be found. Please confirm his or her existence with a Confluence Administrator
Have Questions or Still Need Help?
Note: Since rules, page formats, and guidelines often differ from space to space, IS&T can only provide limited guidance to individual users.
Additional escalation information for Help Staff can be found here: