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What Runs Where on Athena - Numerical Software

Analysis/Plotting Software

maple, mint

Description: multi-featured symbolic math program. mint is a debugger for Maple script files similar to lint for C programs
From Ubuntu Dash: type *maple *in Search box
From command line:
athena% add maple
athena% & (for Java GUI)
athena% *maple.tty *(for text interface)
athena% mint scriptfile (to debug a a maple script)
There are release 2018 User Manual, Programming Guide; also a support site called Maple Primes. You need to register before you can access it; instructions are here
There is a local Web page and What's New. For application examples, see the Maple Application Center. See also the Maple Advisor Database and newsgroup
Maple is available to members of the MIT community under our site license. Information is here.
*See also: *Axiom, CoCoA,Fermat, Mathematica, matlab, maxima, Reduce, SAGE, TeXmacs


Description: multi-featured symbolic math program
Licenses: we have 1000 floating licenses
From Ubuntu Dash: * type {}mathematica *in Search box
From command line:
athena% add math
athena% *mathematica *(for Notebook/X interface)
athena% math* *(for text interface)
You can also create executable Mathematica scripts using wolframscript: create a file script.mcontaining Mathematica commands, with first line:
#!/afs/athena/software/math/current/bin/wolframscript -script
and make it executable with:
athena% chmod +x script.m (this will use the "current" Mathematica version defined by the current link in the math locker)
There is an online information center, and Mathematica demonstrations; also a newsgroup and a revision history
Learning resources:
Mathematica Tutorial Collection
Mathematica Learning Center
Wolfram Education Group (for $ items, mentioning MIT site license qualifies MIT users for 30% discount)
The IMTEK Mathematica Supplement add-on is a collection of extra packages that offers enhanced functionality in a variety of domain areas, notably in partial differential equations representing physical systems and finite-element analysis. Examples in the supplement use the mesh generators EasyMesh, tetgen and triangle which have been installed on Athena. This is currently accessible only within Mathematica 5.2
To access the IMTEK Mathematica Supplement *(5.2 only) , launch the help browser: {}Help -> Help Browser*, and, from within the browser, search for IMTEK (you may need to run Help -> Rebuild Help Index first). There is extensive documentation and many examples
Mathematica is available to members of the MIT community under our site license. Information is here.
See also: **Axiom*, *CalculiX, CoCoA, EasyMesh, Elmer, euler, Fermat, FreeFem++, Gerris Flow Solver, maple, matlab, maxima, OpenFOAM, OpenModelica, PARI/GP, Reduce, SAGE, singular, TensorFlow, Torch, TeXmacs, tetgen, triangle

matlab, simulink

Description: interactive "matrix lab" for data analysis tasks involving matrices, graphics and numerical computation. Includes specialized-subject "toolbox" extensions for many topics, including Control, Robust Control, Signal Processing and others
simulink is a modular package for analyzing dynamic digital signal processing systems
From Ubuntu Dash: type matlab in Search box
From command line:
athena% *add matlab *
athena% matlab [istdraft:-ver 9.4] & (-ver switch for new 9.4 release)
athena% *matlab [istdraft:-ver 9.4] -desktop & *(for desktop launch)
athena% matlab* [istdraft:-ver 9.4] -tty *(for command-line launch)
(typing demo at the >> prompt will run through examples)
athena% simulink* [istdraft:-ver 9.4] &*
(typing doc at the >> prompt will launch the help system)
There are release notes; what's new
There is latest version documentation at the MathWorks, documentation for using lpsolve add-on (Mixed Integer Linear Programming Solver), documentation for using snopt add-on(Constrained Linear or Nonlinear Optimization Solver) and newsgroup
See here in ipopt section for use of the ipopt nonlinear solver within MATLAB
There is also an FAQ
*See also: *Axiom, CoCoA, GDL, euler, Fermat, GNU Scientific Library, ipopt, IT++, Julia, LabVIEW, lpsolve, maple, Mathematica, Meep, Numerical Recipes, NumPy, octave, OpenModelica, Reduce, SAGE, scilab, snopt, TensorFlow, Torch, TeXmacs
Note: Matlab is now available to MIT faculty, staff and students at no cost from IS&T Software Distribution.


Description: statistical analysis package incorporating many tests, simpler to use than sas or splus
Licenses: we have 50 licenses
From Ubuntu Dash: stata cannot be launched from the Ubuntu Dash. You must launch it from a terminal window command line instead
From command line:
athena% *add stata*
athena% *xstata*(GUI interface)
athena% *stata *(text interface)
athena% *xstata-se *(GUI interface, enhanced version)
athena% *stata-se *(text interface, enhanced version)
athena% *stata -b do *mybatchfile (to run batch file _mybatchfile.do_in batch mode)

There is a great deal of online help. Type help at the Stata . prompt, or pull down Help in xstatato get started; see also the Stata resources page. Selecting *Help ->
What's New?* in xstata will describe new features in latest release.
Online Stata discussion groups are at Stata forums
The MIT libraries maintain a guide to statistical software with resources for learning Stata
Online pdf manuals are now locally accessible, as are recent Stata Journal issues
Free Webinars are also available
*stata *is now available to members of the MIT community for institute or personal purchase at discounted pricing. Information is here
See also: ***OpenRefine, *R, sas,splus


Description: Advanced data plotting package that can do many types of 2d and 3d plots. Chorus is a utility for managing CFD simulations
From Ubuntu Dash: type t{*}ecplot *in Search box
From command line:
athena% add tecplot
athena% tecplot & *(to run Tecplot)*
athena% chorus* *& (to run Chorus)
There are 360ex-18 R1 pdf manuals, Chorus pdf manuals, a local Web page, a vendor site and 360ex-18 R1 release notes
*See also: *gnuplot, Grace, matplotlib, ParaView
Note: *If you are running Tecplot on a virtual machine or displaying it remotely, you may need to launch it with the *-mesa flag to get it to work correctly

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 19, 2024

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