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VirtualBox Guides and How-to's

  • How do I get Seamless mode to work?
  • How do I setup a virtual machine?

Setting Up a Virtual Machine

  • Configuring a virtual machine is straight-forward. If you have existing iso images you can use those - alternatively, you can download fresh images from vendor websites, however some may require licensing.
  • Once you have the preferred OS iso, select "New" from the options menu in the upper right-hand corner of the VirtualBox application.
  • Walk through the steps to assign OS, disk space, and RAM for the VM.
  • Run the VM. If the setup is correct, you should see the OS boot into a new window.

Configure Seamless mode to work with your Ubuntu VM and Host OS

What you'll need to do is download the Ubuntu iso from their website.

Create a new VM and use the downloaded iso as the boot disk (vmdk). You should see the OS boot on the VM start-up.

Once you are at the desktop, go to the command line and enter these commands after each one has finished:

1. sudo apt-get update
2. sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc make perl dkms
3. reboot

After reboot, go to devices > Insert Guest additions CD image. You should be prompted for an installer. Let that run.

Reboot again and confirm that "Seamless" mode is now available.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

March 19, 2019

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