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Stellar Course Guide vs. Registrar Course Catalog FAQ


The URL for my Stellar site isn't showing up in the Registrar's course catalog/subject listing (

Can my course description in the course catalog include a link for my Stellar site?

Links to Stellar sites are not automatically listed in the course catalog/subject listing. If you would like your course description to include a link to your Stellar site, please fill out the following form: (It may take up to 48 hours for the new URL to appear).

Why is the link to my class site on the Stellar Course Guide ( grayed out?

The Stellar Course Guide lists all classes that are offered during the current term, but not all classes have a Stellar site. If the link to a class is greyed out it means the class does not have an active Stellar site.

I have a Stellar site for my class, why isn't it listed at

This list is not current or kept up to date. For a list of current courses that have Stellar sites, please visit the Stellar home page (

How do I add or request a new class?

To request the creation of a new Stellar site, please go here:
To add a new class to the Registrar's course catalog/subject listing or to edit a course description, please send an email to

Where are class times and lab times listed in the Stellar Course Guide (

Class times and lab times are not listed in the Stellar Course Guide. Refer to the registrar's course catalog for this information (

I'm trying to use the Stellar Course Guide to choose my classes, but how do I know what pre-requisites are needed for each class and what GIRs (general institute requirements) are satisfied by each class?

Information about GIRs and pre-requisites are not listed on the Stellar site. Please refer to the registrar's course catalog for this information (

Where can I find a final exam schedule listed on Stellar?

The final exam schedule is not listed on Stellar. This information can be found on the registrar's site:

Why are there multiple other course numbers associated with my course site?

Some MIT courses are jointly listed with courses in other disciplines that represent equivalency with regard to satisfying an academic requirement. For data management purposes, registration uses one of the course number designated as the Course Master to identify the course in the Course Catalog.

Why is one of the listing of my course grayed out?

When you have multiple Stellar sites for a single course, such as in the case when you have multiple sections with different instructors and course material, the sites get listed under the main course heading. The grayed out listing serves as a "catch all" for such cases. Sometimes we will end up with a single course site setup this way because at the time of the request (possible several months earlier) there was the chance of multiple section sites. In such cases it the MSID is put in the "list under" field. That can be changed and the Course Guide will see the change in a couple hours. Here is what such a listing will look like in the Course Guide.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

March 08, 2016

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