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Sending Email from FileMaker Using SMTP

There are two native methods for sending email from FileMaker: via the user's default email client, and via an SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol) server. Sending email via SMTP server can be a useful option in that the user doesn't have to leave the FileMaker application during the process of generating email, and it eliminates any potential differences in behavior between the various email clients and how FileMaker interacts with them.

When sending email using an SMTP server, you have the option of authenticating or not authenticating. The particular SMTP server used may either disallow or place limits on the sending of unauthenticated mail. MIT's server limits the sending of unauthenticated mail to 1000 non-MIT recipient addresses per sending address, per day. The client machine must also be on the MIT network, but not connected via VPN. In many cases, this is sufficient. However, if your FileMaker application sends large bulk mailings or otherwise needs to generate a lot of email, or if users may be logged onto the VPN, you should send authenticated mail.

This page shows you the settings for sending email via MIT's SMTP server, both unauthenticated and authenticated. For additional instructions on using the Send Email feature, please consult the FileMaker Inc. support page on this topic.

Sending Unauthenticated Email

In many cases you should be able to send email from FileMaker without having to authenticate to MIT's SMTP server using the settings shown here. If you ever need to send more than 1000 emails to non-MIT addresses per day, or if you may be accessing your database while connected to the VPN (required from off-campus), see Sending Authenticated Email below. Note that this method requires you to be on the MIT network; otherwise your email will be rejected.

In the Send Email script step > Send via SMTP Server option > SMTP options dialog > Server Information section:

Outgoing SMTP Server:

Port: 25

Connection encryption: None

Authentication: None

Sending Authenticated Email

If you ever need to send more than 1000 emails to non-MIT addresses per day, or if you need to be able to access your database while on the VPN (required from off-campus), your emails will be blocked by if they are not authenticated.

In order to send authenticated mail, it is strongly recommended that you first obtain a system (non-person) Kerberos account for use with your FileMaker database. This is because you should never use or store a person's Kerberos credentials in FileMaker for any reason. To obtain a system account, send a message to MIT accounts requesting a system account. In your message, state the purpose of the account, and include the requested account name (must be a unique Kerberos name) and a dummy first and last name. System accounts require a sponsor/owner for the purpose of approving annual account renewals. If this isn't you, indicate who this person should be. If it's desired that more than one person be able to manage the account, the account owner can instead be a Moira group; but in this case, request a shared Kerberos account rather than a system Kerberos account. Once your request is approved and the account has been created, you will receive an email from Accounts with instructions on how to set the password.

With a Kerberos system account and password in place, you can store its credentials in FileMaker for authenticating SMTP email. Note: You should still take great care in the storage of these credentials; only admin users should be able to view or edit them.

In the Send Email script step > Send via SMTP Server option > SMTP options dialog > Server Information section:

Outgoing server:

Port: 465

Connection encryption: SSL

Authentication: Plain Password

User Name: Your Kerberos system account name

Password: The password you set for your system account

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Last Modified:

September 02, 2016

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