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Nudge at MIT

Macs at MIT managed via Jamf Pro feature a software agent called Nudge, which detects when a macOS upgrade is needed and prompts the user to update with a pop-up reminder message.

Nudge runs in the background every 30 minutes to check if the device is on the latest required OS and patch level. If a required update is detected, Nudge displays a pop-up window with details.

Clicking the "Update Device" button will launch system settings where the user can run the update. Clicking the "defer" or “I understand” button will allow you to defer the update. Once the “Days remaining to update” countdown runs out, the option to defer will no longer be shown.

If a device cannot yet be upgraded to the latest full macOS release, the user can click “More info” to get the latest patch for the currently running version of macOS.


  • Do I have to update my computer?
    Yes, in order to maintain the security and stability of campus computers patching is important. Software like antivirus, Office, CrashPlan, and others only support the latest patched Apple operating systems.
  • What is the timeline?
    Machines will start seeing popups July of 2023. As Apple releases new patches, devices will need to upgrade again.
  • Nudge states there is an update, however system preferences isn't showing one. What should I do?
    You should reboot your machine if you do not see the update and look again. If that doesn't work, open Terminal and run this command:
    • launchctl kickstart -k system/
  • Can I opt out of Nudge?
    Nudge is designed to ensure the security of the MIT campus. If you have a device that cannot be upgraded for technical reasons speak to your local IT staff for an exemption.
  • I have other questions, who should I reach out to?
    Contact the IS&T Service Desk at or 617-253-1101.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

February 20, 2024

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