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Microsoft 365 Post-Migration - Outlook for Android

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Updating Outlook Mail Settings on your iOS device for M365

Once the mailbox is successfully migrated to Microsoft 365, the Outlook App in your Android device should automatically receive new settings telling it to retrieve mail from Microsoft 365.

Duo Authentication

You may receive prompts to authenticate via Touchstone and Duo. Select the method for Kerberos authentication (either Certificate or username/password) and your preferred Duo authentication method as you normally would.

Add Your MIT Email to Outlook for Android

  1. Open the Outlook App.

  2. Tap Get Started if MIT email will be your only account you're using with Outlook. Otherwise, add an additional email account, open the Gear icon > More button > Settings Settings > Add Account > Add Email Account.

  3. Enter your MIT email address in the form and click *Continue*.

  4. Follow the prompts to authenticate with Touchstone and Duo.
    Result: Your account is added and you may be prompted to authenticate via Touchstone and Duo.
  5. Authenticate as prompted.
    Result: Your account is ready to use and you are taken to your inbox. You may see some data privacy and security messages.

Delete and Reconnect Your Account

If your settings do not automatically update, you will need to delete and re-add your account.

  1. Open the Outlook App.

  2. Click the gear icon > Settings and select your MIT account.

  3. Scroll all the way down, click Delete Account, and confirm you'd like to delete the account. No data will be lost as it's stored in the cloud.

    Result: Your MIT account is removed from Outlook. You may see some security and data privacy notices. Accept and continue. Then you'll be taken to the Add Email Account screen.

  4. Click Add Email Account.

  5. Enter your MIT email address in the form

    Result: Your account is added and you may be prompted to authenticate via Touchstone and Duo.
  6. Authenticate via Touchstone/Duo.
    Result: Your account is ready to use. You may see some data privacy and security messages.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

April 09, 2024

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