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Microsoft 365 Email and Calendaring - Configure Outlook 2016 for Mac

If you do not already have a copy of Outlook, you can obtain it with the rest of Office from the IS&T Software grid.

  1. Open Outlook.
    Result: If this is the first time you're opening Outlook, you're prompted to setup your inbox.
  2. Click Add Account. If you weren't prompted to set up your inbox, Go to Tools Tab > Accounts

    Result: The accounts window opens.

  3. Select Exchange or Microsoft/Office 365
    Result: You are prompted to input your account information.

  4. Enter as follows:
    • Email Address:
    • Authentication Method: Username and Password
    • User Name:
    • Password: your MIT account password
  5. Click Add Account
    Result: Auto-discover will contact the Microsoft 365 server and "auto-discover" the rest of your account settings. You may be asked to approve being redirected to the server.

  6. Click allow to approve that.
    Result: Microsoft 365 discovers your account settings and displays them.

  7. You can close the "Accounts" window.
    Note: You may see an error message similar to the following saying Outlook was redirected to a different server to get new account settings. Click Allow

    Your email may take some time to initially download if you have a lot stored on the server.

See also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 02, 2023

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