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MIT LinkedIn Learning First Login

Overview has been rebranded and integrated into LinkedIn's existing suite of services as LinkedIn Learning. MIT will be moving from the interface and branding to LinkedIn Learning's new site in the summer of 2019.

The first time you login to MIT's LinkedIn Learning, you will need to activate your LinkedIn Learning account and have your training records from migrated to your MIT LinkedIn Learning account. You can also connect a personal LinkedIn account to your MIT LinkedIn Learning account.

  • [ to LinkedIn Learning Transition FAQ]

First Login

  1. Navigate to the new MIT LinkedIn Learning site
  2. Authenticate with your MIT Touchstone credentials.
    Result: You're prompted to activate your MIT LinkedIn Learning account.

  3. Click Activate LinkedIn Learning now
    Result: You will be prompted to connect or create a personal LinkedIn account to your MIT LinkedIn Learning account. Connecting will allow MIT to see publicly visible profile information, like your photo. You get to take advantage of enhanced learning recommendations and unified profiles. Connecting is _not_ required to access MIT's LinkedIn Learning courses.

  4. Click Connect my LinkedIn account or Continue Without connecting my LinkedIn account.
    • Don't Connect: You will be prompted again to connect. Continue selecting "Don't Connect" and it will let you move to the next step.
    • Connect: You will be prompted to login to your LinkedIn account as shown below or click "Join now" to create an account.

  5. Sign in or click through the messages encouraging you to connect.
    Result: You are presented with the privacy policy.

  6. Click Accept and Continue to agree to the privacy policy.
    Result: Your account information will be migrated to LinkedIn Learning and your MIT LinkedIn Learning account will be activated. You may be prompted to indicate interests to assist with recommendations. You can provide that information or continue without doing so. Either way, you'll be able to start taking courses right away.
    If you either inadvertently; or deliberately agreed to connect your LinkedIn profile to your MIT LinkedIn Learning account, fear not. You can always remove it after the fact. Follow the instructions on this page: How to Disconnect Your LinkedIn Profile from your Learning License to disconnect after that fact.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

June 15, 2023

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