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Known Issues in the Roles Web-based Application

There are some known issues about the application that affect what you see on the screen, but do not affect the actual maintenance of Authorizations.

  • In selection criteria for looking up Authorizations, where radio buttons are shown to indicate Yes/No values, the values are not properly set, and the Save Criteria button does not work for these values. (Many people never use these particular criteria.)
  • In the batch "Reassign" functionality, the messages returned do not properly indicate the reason why an Authorization was not reassigned. The message reports "unknown reason" instead of "Authorization already exists" or "You are not authorized."
  • In the Authorizations Detail screen, when you select a new Qualifier from the "Lookup qualifiers" screen, the Qualifier name that gets filled in on the screen shows some extraneous characters.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

January 25, 2012

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