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Install and Connect to the Prisma Access VPN on MacOS


On this page:


  1. Download the app for MacOS from the GlobalProtect Portal.
  2. Open the installer you just downloaded. It's called GlobalProtect.pkg. It is probably in your Downloads folder, if not use the spotlight search to find it.
  3. If you get an error about the installer not being from the App store or not from a developer identified by Apple, see GlobalProtect app can't be opened because it was not downloaded from the App Store
    Result: The Installer Opens
  4.  Click Continue.
  5. Select your hard drive and click Continue.
  6. Make sure the action for the selected option is "Install" and click Continue.
  7. Click Install.

    Result: The GlobalProtect App is installed and immediately prompts you to connect (continue below).


If you encounter issues connecting using your certificate, please follow the instructions here:Authenticating to GlobalProtect using Certificates on macOS
  1. Click on the globe icon in your menubar if it is not already open.
  2. Enter the address:
  3. Click Connect.
  4. Authenticate using Touchstone Authentication.
    Result: You're connected to MIT GlobalProtect VPN service and may go about your computing activities normally. The globe icon now includes a shield.
If GlobalProtect is stuck on "Connecting" please follow the directions in this article to allow security exemptions from System Preferences

After the first time you connect, simply click on the globe icon in your menubar and tap the Connect button to connect. You may be prompted to authenticate again depending on how long it has been since your last connection.


  1. Click on the globe and shield icon in your menubar.
  2. Click the Disconnect button.
    Result: You have been disconnected from the MIT GlobalProtect VPN service.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

June 15, 2023

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