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How to Locate and Change the Settings for Downloads on Firefox for Mac

How to Locate Downloads

  1. Once you have downloaded a file on your Firefox browser on Mac, navigate to the top right corner of your window and click on the icon in the tool bar that is a downward arrow with a line underneath it.
    Result: A dropdown of recent downloads will appear under the icon.

  2. Click on the bottom of the dropdown that is labeled "Show All Downloads".
    Result: A new window labeled "Library" will open with a list of all of the items that have been downloaded to your Firefox browser.

  3. Identify the download that you would like to open and click on it.
    Note: The most recent downloads will be at the top of the list, and the least recent downloads will be listed at the bottom of the list.
    Result: The downloaded item that you selected will open.

How to Adjust the Settings for Downloads

  1. Navigate to the top right corner of your window and click on the icon in the tool bar that is three lines on top of one another.
    Result: A dropdown menu will appear under the icon.

  2. Click on the Preferences option in the dropdown menu.
    Result: Preferences will open in a new tab.

  3. In the preferences tab, scroll down to the section labeled Files and Applications and the subsection labeled Downloads. Next to the option for Save files to, click on the grey button labeled Choose....
    Result: A new window will open where you can select a location on your computer for downloads to be saved to.

  4. Select the folder to which you would like your downloads to be saved from the dropdown menu in the top center of the window, then click the blue Open button in the bottom right corner of the window.
    Result: The folder that you selected will become the folder where downloads are saved, and you will be brought back to the preferences screen in your Firefox browser.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 15, 2020

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