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Enabling notification to your team when a ticket is moved to your RT queue


  • Request Tracker (RT) on
  • Request Tracker queue administrators


By default, new RT queues are set up with minimal notifications to limit the amount of email your team members have to review. This works well if your team members are in the Request Tracker (RT) web interface frequently looking at the queue, or if you have a regular practice in place to review new and open tickets in your queue at a frequency you're comfortable with.

If your team rarely looks at its RT queue in the web interface, you may want to enable email notifications to your team when tickets are created in your queue, or when a ticket is moved into your queue.

  1. Make sure desired team members are AdminCc Watchers on the queue
    1. Navigate to Tools > Configuration > Queues > Select, then select your queue
    2. Review the Watchers tab
    3. Add any User or Group Watchers using the lookup feature in the New Watchers section
  2. Add a Scrip to your queue to notify AdminCc Watchers when a ticket is moved to your queue
    1. Navigate to Tools > Configuration > Queues > Select, then select your queue
    2. Go to the Scrips tab and select Create
    3. Configure the new Scrip with the following settings:
      Description: Notify AdminCcs on Queue Change
      Condition: On Queue Change
      Action: Notify AdminCcs
      Template: Global template: Queue Change
      Stage: TransactionCreate
    4. Click the Create button to create and enable the Scrip

Request Tracker will now send an email to your queue's AdminCc Watchers whenever a ticket is moved into your queue. This email notification will include information about the ticket as well as a link to open the ticket in the RT web application.

See also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

October 22, 2013

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