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Class Management Tools

Communicating and collaborating with students; Putting your course on the web

Course Management Systems

Residential MITx

The Residential MITx is a platform based on Open edX used for authoring and distributing online course content.


Canvas is a modern, easy-to-use, cloud-based Learning Management System (LMS) that brings instructors, students, and course content together in online course sites. Access courses from anywhere, on any device. It also integrates course sites with popular services including Zoom, Piazza, and Gradescope. See more: MIT Canvas Landing Page

An integration is available to connect MITx and Canvas. More information can be found in the MITx Knowledge Base.

Microsoft Teams for Education

Microsoft Teams for Education is a suite of online collaboration tools that brings together instant messaging, threaded conversations, meetings, audio and video chat, desktop and file sharing, and more to support remote work and learning. It contains teams tailored for classes, staff, professional learning communities or other groups on campus. Clubs, organizations, and even study groups can create their own team to collaborate online.


SloanSpace is no longer supported as a course management system. See Stellar above.  

Course web lockers

Course lockers are Athena shared directories that can be used to store class materials, datasets, or specialized applications which can then be accessed or run from Athena workstations. Course lockers can also be used to serve web pages under
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MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW)

MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) presents an opportunity for you to find open educational resources created by your colleagues at MIT for use in your own courses, and to extend your impact by sharing your own course materials and teaching methods with the world. You've invested many hours in preparing and teaching your MIT residential course. Our baseline publication process for faculty requires very little from you beyond what you have already done. To begin, please contact us at or 617-253-7913.

Communicating with Students

Class email lists

Athena mailing lists can be populated with official Registrar's student lists (from WebSIS) to support class communications. Athena lists can also be used to control access to Athena course lockers.

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Registrar's lists

WebSIS Registrar's lists of registered students. Available to instructors and departmental administrators.

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Instant Messaging

As an alternative to teleconferencing and email, instant messaging has been growing in popularity. MIT hosts several of its own instant messaging services, and members of our community often use both MIT and commodity services.


Wikis and similar collaborative applications have come to be standard workplace and educational tools. IS&T offers wiki spaces to groups via a centrally-managed wiki application.

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About this page:

Stellar (MIT's course management system), class email listscourse web lockersOCWInstant MessagingBlogs, and Wikis

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Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

September 17, 2024

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