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Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption is a security feature that provides data protection for your computer by encrypting all data stored on the Windows operating system hard disk drive.

Before Enabling BitLocker
  1. Verify your machine meets the BitLocker hardware requirements.
  2. Backup your data before you encrypt your computer with BitLocker, using a backup tool such as Code42/CrashPlan.
  3. Recommended for machines not in the WIN Domain: Save your recovery password using LastPass.

How to Enable

Windows computer in the WIN Domain

This information applies only to computers on the WIN domain and that may have the SCCM client installed.

Windows computer not in the WIN Domain

This information applies only to computers that are self-managed and administered, including those that are not on the WIN domain.

How to Use 

See Also


IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

March 25, 2024

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