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Q: How do I turn a debathena-cluster machine into debathena-workstation?


Reinstallation Recommended
This procedure has not been extensively tested, and is intended for advanced users. Re-installation is recommended if at all possible.

Also, please note that this may cause the debathena-thirdparty package to be removed, and you may need to reinstall that package later.

  1. Reboot your workstation into "recovery mode", following the instructions at
  2. When you have a root shell, enter the following command:
    root@hostname# aptitude install debathena-workstation debathena-cluster-
    (Please note the trailing "-" at the end of the command)
  3. Verify that the procedure worked by typing
    machtype -L
    and ensuring the response is: debathena-workstation
  4. Reboot your workstation


Documentation and information provided by the MIT Community

Last Modified:

August 24, 2010

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