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How much total Dropbox space does MIT actually have?

How much Dropbox space does MIT actually have? On the MIT Account Plan page it looks like MIT has 20 petabytes of space, so why are we introducing quotas?


If you've looked up your quota on the MIT Account Plan page, you may have noticed a graphic like this:

The total MIT space shown in the second graph, 20,250 terabytes or ~20 petabytes, is the total space Dropbox is currently prepared to expand MIT's enterprise storage to, under the unlimited storage plan that MIT has had for the last 3.5 years. This is the enterprise plan Dropbox has discontinued.

The new enterprise plan for MIT will go into effect Fall 2018, and under the new terms from Dropbox, MIT will have an allocation of 100 GB per user, which under our ~20,000 user license comes out to a total of ~2,000 terabytes, or ~2 petabytes. MIT has enabled soft quotas before this new plan goes into effect, to give our community time to prepare.

Once the new plan is in effect, our total storage allocation included with our per-user license will be ~2 petabytes, with the option to purchase additional storage on top of our per-user allocation as needed at $500 per terabyte.

See also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 19, 2018

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