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Q: What should I do if I already have an MIT email address associated with my LastPass personal account?


If you already have a Lastpass account associated with your e-mail address, and proceed with enrollment in the MIT Lastpass portal, you will receive an e-mail similar to the following:

Please read the e-mail carefully. If you choose Option 1, your account will be associated with the MIT Enterprise Account. Instead, it is recommended you change the e-mail address on your LastPass Account to a personal, non-MIT e-mail address before enrolling in MIT's enterprise service. You can then return to the following page for instructions on how to create a new LastPass Account as part of MIT's Enterprise Account.

Users can utilize the Linked Personal Account Tool rather than storing personal data in an Enterprise account after they change their email address.

It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to create a company only LastPass account.

Important: If you decide to just keep one account, your account will be modified in the following ways:

  • MIT will gain access to some reporting data about your sites, such as your password strength, and how often you log in to sites. MIT will not be able to view your login credentials.
  • You will be required to use Duo Two-Factor Authentication to log in to LastPass. If you are not able to complete Duo Two-Factor Authentication, you will be unable to access your password vault.
  • Your data may be permanently deleted if you leave the Institute.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 03, 2020

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