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Q: What are the character limits in the PDR form? Why am I getting a character-limit error?

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2014-15 PDR Form character limits

Below are the maximum number of characters currently allowed for each field on the Performance and Development Review (PDR) form:

  • Goal comments: 4000 characters
  • Additional Accomplishments & Additional Development Activities: 1000 characters
  • Specific Job Knowledge & Skills list: 1000 characters
  • Specific Job Knowledge & Skills Comment: 500 characters
  • Core Competency Comments: 4000 characters
  • Manager’s Annual Review Summary: 500 characters

2015-16 PDR Form character limits

All fields in the 2015-16 PDR form have a limit of 4000 characters, except for the Manager's Overall Summary, whose limit is 500 characters.

Risk of losing data

The PDR system will warn you if you exceed the maximum number of characters for a particular field, but it will not actually prevent you from doing so.


The system will allow you to keep typing, and your additional text will remain visible even after saving. However, that text will not actually be saved, and will be missing the next time you log in. Watch for a warning message below the text box.


The system may save no text at all, even though everything you pasted currently shows in the field. Some or all text will be missing the next time you log in. Watch for a warning message below the text box:

Warning messages when you paste text shorter than the character limit

Copying and pasting directly from Microsoft Word can introduce hidden characters that count toward the character limit. This will trigger the warning message and risk loss of data. Try deleting your comments (note: use Select All to select even the hidden characters, then delete) and re-entering them from a plain text editor.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

December 09, 2019

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