Error connecting through VPN to Arcgis License Server
Trying to install ArcGIS and ArcInfo on an off-campus computer. Installed the VPN, connected, and then opened the desktop administrator to set the server, but received the following error:
the computer you chose is not a valid license server" or "Licensing Error -15".
Question was sent to the GIShelp::esrihelp queue and answered by Lisa Sweeney of GIS Services; later updated by Alex Prengel.
If you are off the MIT campus, you must be running the MIT VPN in order to access the license server.
Run a ping command against from a Command Prompt window. Output should look like the following:
C:\Users\alexp>ping Pinging \[\] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=253 Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=253 Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=253 Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=253 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 1ms, Maximum = 1ms, Average = 1ms C:\Users\alexp>
Note: you may get times that are significantly longer than the times above and you may get more than 0% loss, but if all packets are lost (100% loss) you are not connecting to the license server because something is blocking your connection. If you are running a virus scanner, firewall or anti-malware application, try turning these off to see if it makes a difference. If it doesn't, the problem is most likely due to something on the network beyond our (or your) control and unfortunately there isn't anything we can do about it.
Presuming you get a ping response, try the following:
If the error message is "the computer you chose is not a valid license server":
Double check that you have the correct license server name. Also check that there isn't a space stored at the end of the name or anything.
Another option is to try a registry edit. Here are the instructions.
- Start > run > type in regedit
- Click on SOFTWARE
- Click on ESRI
- Click on License (this may include a version, like License10.0 or License10.1)
- On the right you see a file called LICENSE_SERVER. double click on it
and manually enter the IP address of the server ( or There is an "@" symbol there. Make sure you keep that there - Hit OK and you should be done
If the error message is "Licensing Error -15":
Your network connection may be too slow for the application to connect properly to the license server. To work around this:
- Right-click My Computer and click Properties
- Click the Advanced tab in the System Properties dialog box
- On the Advanced tab, select Environment Variables
- In the Environment Variables dialog box, under System Variables, click New
- In the New System Variable dialog box, enter FLEXLM_TIMEOUT for the name and 2000000 (two million) for the value
- Click OK to close each dialog box
Launch the application. If the problem persists, repeat steps 1-6, increasing the FLEXLM_TIMEOUT value by 1000000 (one million) and try again; repeat this until you're able to obtain a license.