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Working with Drupal Page Options

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Several page options are available at the bottom of your page overlay screen. Some are more critical than others.

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Menu settings Click the option to Provide a menu link. You can change the menu link title which may be a shortening of your page title. You can also add a description. You can choose the menu (parent) under which this link will be placed. The Main menu is typically the best choice when you are just beginning your site. You can assign a weight to position the link within the menu but there is a much easier way by accessing the menu links through the Menu overlay screen. Click Structure on the admin menu, then Menus, then click list links for the Main menu.
Revision information Lets you enter a note about any revisions you have made.
URL path settings You can override the default system of assigning URLs to pages. However, it is highly recommended that you keep the setting for Generate automatic URL aliases which take into account any hierarchical menu structure you have developed. For example, if you have an About page which has subordinate pages for Faculty, Staff, and Students, Drupal automatically generates the appropriate hierarchical URL, e.g., /about/faculty. This is enormously helpful if you then move or rename the page or its parent. Simply open each page overlay screen and save the pages again. The new aliases will be created.
Comment settings These are options to enable comment logging for a page. Comments are not enabled by default.
URL redirects Here you can set the from, to and options for any page redirects.
Authoring information Edit the author and date data in the section.
Publishing options Keep a page from being published while it is being worked on by unchecking the Published option. All pages are published by default.

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Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

May 04, 2016

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