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Run SAPgui Summary Statements for a series of non-consecutive accounts

  1. Create a text file with a list of the cost objects:
    (you only have to do this once; if you save the file you can re-use it each time you run your statements)
    1. Open up Text Edit (mac) or Notepad (PC)
    2. Type in each of your cost objects, separated by carriage returns (i.e., one per line). for example:\\1637700\\1637400
    3. If you're using a mac, go to the Format menu, and choose Make Plain Text
      (if it asks you to confirm, click OK)
    4. Go to File > Save.
    5. Choose where you would like to save the file, give it a name, and click OK or Save
      (Note: it's best to keep the name short, and avoid spaces or special characters. Ex: costobjects.txt is a good choice. "cost objects (for running summary statements).txt" might cause problems)
  2. Run the summary statement:
    (this part will be repeated each time)
    1. Launch SAPgui, and go to the Summary Statement entry form
    2. Enter in your desired criteria (date range, etc.)
    3. Click on the yellow -> arrow next to "Cost Object (unknown type)"
    4. Click on the import from text file button. On my screen this is the third from the right, and looks like a little green file in a talking bubble. (If you have trouble finding it, let me know, and I'll send a screen shot.)
    5. Navigate to your text file, select it, and click Open
    6. Click the button with the clock and green checkmark to save your changes (this will take you back to the main report entry screen)
    7. Click the button with the clock and green checkmark to run your report.

Result: You should now see a series of summary statements, one after another.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

April 27, 2012

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