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MECM - SCCM - CMPivot - Real-time Query of Data

Microsoft has introduce a new feature in MECM that allows you to view real-time data on your client machines be utilizing the ability to run scripts. This new feature is called CMPivot and this article will demo how to view that data.

Run CMPivot

  • Select a collection to run CMPivot against. Right-click and select Start CMPivot.

  • The "Welcome to CMPivot" window will appear. The Home tab provides details on how to create queries. Click the Query tab and we can start to create a new query.
  • Select one of the available entities to target, Right click on it and select Insert. In our example we will look at OS information.
    Remember that these scripts are running live on the clients. It may take some time to run the query, so grab a hot beverage and come back in a couple minutes.
  • You can refine the query by using the pipe character. For instance, in your query type OS | where Version like '10.%' and this will only return results for Windows 10. Note how the returned results have changed.
  • Now that we have a list of computers, the following actions can be performed :
    • Create a collection based on those computers
    • Pivot to, which allows seeing other entities in CMPivot for a specific computer
    • Run Script, this can be run on multiple computers at a time
    • Open the Resource Explorer for a specific computer
  • The Pivot to is a quick access to other Entities for a specific computer.

  • After selecting Pivot To -> Device

For more examples of information you can gather with CMPivot, please read this article.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 22, 2022

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