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Known Behaviour and Decisions

The following have been reviewed with the Registrar and considered edge cases so have not implemented in the code.

  1. CD-1859: Proposing an EQ Between Two Subjects with Existing EQ & Two Subjects with Existing EQSR Throws "Currently in a Child in Meets-With" CIS Backfill Error. 
    1. This is an issue since we are using existing Stored Procedures to backfill CIS. As per Jen Donath from the Regsitrar's Office the way to accomplish this task in CIS is
      1. Step 1: "dismantle" the first cluster (i.e. remove its children)
      2. Step 2: add master/children from the first cluster to the second cluster.
  2.  CD-1923 - Error during backfill of SCRSU_VAR table when renumber a cross list subject to a subject id that is active for a different term and container. 
  3. CD-1943 - Business rule has been implemented that T Graded subjects should not be repeatable. As of now, the Registrar does not believe there should be a need for this to change but it may be required in the future.
  4. CD-1944 - Handle edge case where T Graded subject should be repeatable. Since there is no current instance of this edge case and none currently anticipated, we are not handling it at this time.
  5. CD-2043 - Create 2 subjects for 2018FA in SCASUBJI. Add an EQSR for 2019FA. This does not backfill correctly to SCREQIV. 
  6. CD-2080 - Erroneous Future Term SCRSU_VAR Records Get Inserted When Making a CIM Edit for 2019FA. A future term change can create temporary erroneous SCRSU_VAR record till the MITSIS backfill gate is open for the term 
  7. CD-2173 - Long Title, Transcript Title, and Enrollment Limitations (Field length/special characters). Decision made to not explicitly prevent special characters from any of these fields and implement character limits in the UI
  8. CD-2190 - SCASUBJI Requisites Modal - Switching between using tab and mouse results in buttons sometimes not completing intended task. User has to hit save twice, first for validation and second for saving
  9. CD-2195 -SCASUBJI Requisites Modal - Extraneous Requisite Group Saved on Input Modal. The structured and flattened requisites are stored correctly but there is an unnecessary group saved under certain conditions
  10. CD-2218 -SCASUBJI - Backdating Container Results in 500 Error for Container Whose Only Template is 2019FA-999999 with a Science Core Attribute. Registrar considers this an unlikely scenarios
  11. CD-2226 -Creating a subject in SCASUBJI and editing in TermPlan causes CIS backfill error. This is because SCASUBJI does not backfill CIS and Term Plan does. This is an unlikely scenario
  12. CD-2375 Limitation of backfilling equivalents-  The MITSIS table SCREQIV is only backfilled for the edited term by MITSIS backfill. This is because subject_container_equiv table in CTSS which stores equivalents store equivalency between containers for a range of time. This cannot be easily backfilled to screqiv (by effective_term) without knowing the history of the subject and its cross-lists and equivalencies for the whole period of time. While editing a subject from SCASUBJI, equivalency for prior terms other than the term for which the subject data is being edited can be changed. So to backfill equivalencies correctly in screqiv (by effective_term), the history of the equivalent subjects ( subjects could be renumbered, subject numbers swapped etc) and their cross-lists and its equivalent subjects are required. Due to complexity of processing and time constraints, a restriction was added to editing equivalencies of a subject that - equivalency changes of a subject can be done only from the term the subject is edited. ie. if a subject is edited in 2019FA, any new/remove equivalent subject changes are only backfilled from 2019FA.
  13. SCRCI_PROPOSAL.PREREQ_TEXT is not populated for proposed ('SU') records. Because the column is not used by Scheduling/Unitime which is the only system using proposed data from CIS and converting the requisite data from the CIM format to our structured format is one of the more time-consuming steps in the feed processing, we elected not to process them. The CIM feed processing leaves the requisites element blank when writing the backfill record, so the CIS backfill populates the column as null.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

March 20, 2019

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