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How to connect to MIT SECURE wireless on macOS

This article describes how to connect a Mac running OS X 10.12 and later to the MIT SECURE wireless network. 

  1. Click on the Wi-Fi icon located in the upper right of your screen, just to the left of the time. Select the network MIT SECURE from the list of wireless networks.
  2. OS X will prompt you for your WPA 2 Enterprise credentials. Please enter your MIT Kerberos username and password and click Join.
  3. When prompted by the Verify Certificate window, click the Show Certificate button.
  4. The certificate name should read "" or "" and digitally signed by AddTrust External CA. Once you've verified the certificate's authenticity, click Continue.
  5. In order to save these changes to your system, OS X will prompt you for your machine's administrator username and password. This is not generally your Kerberos username and password. Enter the administrator username and password and click Update Settings.
  6. You can now verify that you're connected to MIT's secure wireless infrastructure by viewing the Wi-Fi signal meter in the upper right-hand corner of your display.

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Last Modified:

March 15, 2024

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  1. Mar 26, 2015

    This did not work for me, with a new Macbook Air 11" using Yosemite (10.10.2). Step 1 above resulted in an error message:

    What DID work was to click on the Wifi icon and choose "Join other network". I was then able to type "MIT SECURE" and choose WPA2 Enterprise as the security option. From then on in, I could follow steps 2-6 above.

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