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Explain Everything Landing Page

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Explain Everything is a feature-rich digital whiteboard app for tablets and web browsers that is licensed for use by MIT students, faculty, and staff. This app for tablets and web browsers goes beyond a traditional whiteboard to a fully interactive multimedia experience that allows the MIT Community to:

  • Draw, write, add images and video, annotate and animate content
  • Share your whiteboard presentation either on-site or at a distance
  • Collaborate in real-time
  • Record and narrate as you work to create video for sharing
  • More Information:

Create Your Account

Sign up with your email to obtain your MIT license.

If you already have an account using your email address, the vendor will be contacting you to transition you to the Institute’s license.

This is not a Touchstone sign-on enabled application. You will need to create a [unique, strong password] for this account. Do NOT use your MIT Kerberos password for your Explain Everything Account.

How to Obtain

The app is included on iPads delivered through IS&T's iPad loan program for students.

Download for Tablets

Access on the Web

How to Use

Getting Started



Explain Drive


Training Videos

Troubleshooting and FAQ's

  • What's my storage limit/quota on Explain Everything?
    5500 GB
  • How many people can participate in a collaborative session?
    Up to 20, but 8 or fewer is recommended. This helps the session be more stable. The quality of live collaboration also depends on the quality of the internet connection.

See Also

Have Questions or Still Need Help?

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 20, 2020

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from the Help Desk
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