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Email Forwarding Configuration Update

In order to improve the email forwarding experience, the email system was updated in 2019 with a forwarding configuration that bypasses the on-premises Exchange email infrastructure that was responsible for normalizing / rewriting forwarded messages and invalidating DKIM signatures in the process. For more information, see: Email Delivery - Underlying Protocols.

The previous email routing was:

Sender -> Exchange Online Protection (MIT.EDU MX record) -> MIT on-premises Exchange email -> -> -> forwarding address

In the new configuration, the email routing is:

Sender -> Exchange Online Protection (MIT.EDU MX record) -> (on-premises Linux / sendmail system) -> -> forwarding address

This new configuration is very similar to how email flow worked prior to the implementation of Exchange Online Protection and should be a strict improvement over the previous experience.

Spam is forwarded for the receiving system to handle according to their policies, but messages containing known malware or phishing attacks are not forwarded.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

September 22, 2020

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