Color printing of DTR's and Summary Statements in SAPgui
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How can I print my DTR or Summary Statement in color?
Although color printing is available for most screens in SAPgui, the DTR and Summary Statement reports in SAPgui use a SAPScript form to print, which is black and white only.
There are two alternatives for color printing of DTR's and Summary Statements.
Option 1
Take a screen shot of the SAPgui screen and print the screen shot.
Option 2
Print a screen shot of HTML format of the report.
If the document is several pages long, rather than taking consecutive screen shots, you could also choose Summary -> Save in file... and then save the list in HTML or RTF format. This will produce a color printout, although the format may vary somewhat from the SAPgui display.
Option 3
This alternative requires Adobe Acrobat Professional (has been tested using version 7.0.8) and involves saving as HTML format, then creating a PDF of the HTML format.
For a Summary statement, save the file as HTML by doing the following:
Summary > Save in file
For a DTR save the file as HTML by doing the following:
System > List > Save > Local file
in both cases, continue as follows
- Select the *HTML Format radio button
- Navigate to the directory and enter the filename where you want to save the file (The filename should probaby end with ".htm" or ".html")
- Click the Transfer button
- Open Adobe Acrobat Professional (I'm using version 7.0.8)
- File > Create PDF > From Web Page
- Click the Browse button, then navigate to and Select the HTML
file that you want to print - Click the Create button
- If you get a message about a missing "background.gif" file, click the OK button to ignore it
- Select Print from Acrobat's File menu to print the file to a color printer