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Color printing of DTR's and Summary Statements in SAPgui

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How can I print my DTR or Summary Statement in color?


Although color printing is available for most screens in SAPgui, the DTR and Summary Statement reports in SAPgui use a SAPScript form to print, which is black and white only.

There are two alternatives for color printing of DTR's and Summary Statements.

Option 1

Take a screen shot of the SAPgui screen and print the screen shot.

Option 2

Print a screen shot of HTML format of the report.

If the document is several pages long, rather than taking consecutive screen shots, you could also choose Summary -> Save in file... and then save the list in HTML or RTF format. This will produce a color printout, although the format may vary somewhat from the SAPgui display.

Option 3

This alternative requires Adobe Acrobat Professional (has been tested using version 7.0.8) and involves saving as HTML format, then creating a PDF of the HTML format.

For a Summary statement, save the file as HTML by doing the following:

Summary > Save in file

For a DTR save the file as HTML by doing the following:

System > List > Save > Local file

in both cases, continue as follows

  1. Select the *HTML Format radio button
  2. Navigate to the directory and enter the filename where you want to save the file (The filename should probaby end with ".htm" or ".html")
  3. Click the Transfer button
  4. Open Adobe Acrobat Professional (I'm using version 7.0.8)
  5. File > Create PDF > From Web Page
  6. Click the Browse button, then navigate to and Select the HTML
    file that you want to print
  7. Click the Create button
  8. If you get a message about a missing "background.gif" file, click the OK button to ignore it
  9. Select Print from Acrobat's File menu to print the file to a color printer

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

February 08, 2012

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