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Q: How do I recover deleted Exchange email, calendar or other items using Outlook for Mac 2011?


The following recovery operation may not work in all circumstances and should not be relied upon. This is for emergency recovery only and is not guaranteed. Some mail clients, depending on configuration options, can delete messages in an unrecoverable fashion.

Deleted messages generally remain in the Deleted Items folder for up to 14 days. After 14 days, the system automatically deletes them.

When you delete items (i.e., messages, folders, tasks, appointments, or contacts) using Outlook or Outlook Web Access (other mail clients vary depending on your configuration), they move to the Deleted Items folder. You may retrieve them by opening the Deleted Items folder, locating the items, and then moving them to another folder. When items are deleted or emptied from the Deleted Items folder, they are in retention and may still be recoverable for up to 14 days before they are permanently deleted. To attempt to recover items during the 14-day period:

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Click on the Deleted Items folder.
  3. Move or drag the items to your inbox or any other folder.

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Last Modified:

December 02, 2010

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