These instructions apply to the IS&T Student or Administrative Staff Virtual Machines and do not relate to other VMs.
You can choose to upgrade the operating system and applications within your current VM if you prefer, though IS&T has created the updated generalized VMs to make the system maintenance easier.
Before moving to the new VM, you want to make sure that you have all data on your host machine so that it is accessible in the new VM. If you followed the instructions and did not store data in the VM, then this will be easy. As a precaution, you should keep your old VM around until such time as you have confirmed that the data is accessible with your new VM.
Download and following the instructions for installing and First Start
Make sure you can access the data you need in the new VM
Only once you are sure the data is accessible, and preferably on your host machine, then you can delete the old VM and free up the space on your hard disk by deleting the entire .vmwarevm folder holding your old VM.
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