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What does VR, DR and IS mean?

Review Status Types

DR: Detailed Review - Reviewer should review the charge for allowability, reasonableness and accuracy on the cost object and if paper or electronic documentation exists, verify that all supporting documents, packing slips, etc are correct and in place. If there is no paper documentation produced as part of the original transaction (as is often the case with postage, small gifts, internal income transfers, etc), users do not need to print or create backup documentation simply for the purpose of selecting DR in the FRC application.

VR: Visual Review - Requires the reviewer to visually look at the transaction to verify that it meets business rules.

IS: Issue Identified - The reviewer has identified that there is an issue with this transaction or that it does not meet business rules. A reason must be selected from the drop-down list (and if ‘Other’ is selected, a description of the issue must be entered in the comment field).

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IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

May 13, 2016

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