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Why did my PDR form come back to me after I sent it to my manager?

To determine what happened, open your form and scroll down to the bottom.

  • If the button at the bottom right of the form says Acknowledge Receipt, your form is at the "Employee acknowledges receipt of annual review" step. Your manager is done with the form, and you need to click that button to complete the year-end review process.
  • If, instead, the button on the bottom right says Send to Manager, your form is at the "Employee completes self assessment" step. Your manager has sent the form back to you for editing.

    The email notification you received should include a comment explaining what your manager would like you to change about your entries.
    • If there is no such comment in the email, check with your manager, who may have clicked the wrong button after completing his/her assessment.
    • If your manager actually intended to move the form forward in the process, you should click Send to Manager in the lower right of your form. Then, your manager should open the form and click Save for 1:1 Meeting.

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Last Modified:

December 09, 2019

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