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How do I enable full disk access for CrashPlan (formerly Code42) on Mac OS?

CrashPlan and Code42 are the same application/service. Crashplan was renamed Code42 after it was sold, then renamed again back to CrashPlan after it was sold again. Which name you see in the product, filenames, or paths depends on what version you are using. For the purposes of this documentation, the names are used interchangeably and refer to the same product.

The new vendor website for Crashplan is:

Code42 needs full disk access to your Mac in order to be able to backup the entire system. Because of Apple's security settings in MacOS 10.14 or later, you must manually enable the settings and restart Code42 to allow backup access to your entire disk.

  1. Select the Apple Menu > System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy.
  2. Select Full Disk Access in the left-hand column.
    Result: The Security and Privacy tab displays your Full Disk Access settings.

    You may need to click the lock at the bottom-left to unlock your settings.
  3. Check the box next to Code42 in the list of apps.
    Result: A popup window will alert you that Code42 will not have full disk access until it is quit and restarted.

    Some versions of MacOS may not prompt you wiht this popup. In those instances the easiest way to quit and restart Code42 to enable the full disk access is to restart your device.
  4. Select Quit & Reopen.
    Result: Code 42 will quit. The app may open automatically or you can find it in your applications folder to start it yourself.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

January 23, 2023

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