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Why does Firefox say that it's already running?

When you start Firefox, you may receive a message that Firefox is already running. This can be caused by one of two things:

  1. Clicking the "WWW" Firefox icon multiple times - Firefox may take a minute to load on slower machines, and clicking it repeatedly will cause this error.
  2. Logging out before quitting Firefox.

To remove the lock file, do the following:

  1. Ensure that you are not actually running Firefox on your current machine or any other Athena workstation. If so, quit Firefox.
    Type the following command:

    joeuser@athena:~$ find $HOME/.mozilla/firefox -name lock | xargs rm

  2. Restart Firefox by typing "firefox" at the athena% prompt or clicking the icon in the panel at the bottom of your screen. Please click the icon only ONCE and then wait for Firefox to start.

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Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

March 25, 2011

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