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Q: When a change my Kerberos password, I can no longer login using Windows Hello


Windows Hello is a Microsoft's method for logging into Windows using biometric authentication. Because Moira is the system of record and not Active Directory, password changes are detected by Windows Hello as having changed your password on a different device. Normally, this just means logging onto the computer utilizing Windows Hello once with your new password. However, most computers have as the default realm. Logging onto the computer with as the realm will not properly synchronize the password. You will need to pre-pend the username with WIN\ is order for you to use as the realm. You have to do this least once after changing your Kerberos password before Windows Hello will properly recognize the password change. Windows Hello will then function properly until you change you password again.

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Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

September 26, 2023

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