Web Services - Teaching with Technology
Creating teaching materials
Accessibility of online class materials
Accessibility consulting and web accessibility reviews for educational technology projects, web applications, and web sites.
ATIC (Assistive Technology Information Center) Lab
Service description
Submit a web request ||
Usability evaluations
Group reviews of educational web sites (heuristic reviews), pluralistic walkthroughs, usability testing (talking protocol tests), accessibility testing, consultation for usability tests of your educational technology product.
The Accessibility and Usability Group at MIT
Service description
usability@mit.edu ||
External publishing of class content
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) presents an opportunity for you to extend your impact by sharing your own course materials and teaching methods with the world. You've invested many hours in preparing and teaching your MIT residential course. Our baseline publication process for faculty requires very little from you beyond what you have already done. To begin, please contact us at ocw@mit.edu or 617-253-7913.
Online surveys
IS&T and Office of Institutional Research together run the MIT Web Survey Service to provide a variety of survey mechanisms and assistance for running surveys at MIT.
Service description
Instant Messaging
As an alternative to teleconferencing and email, instant messaging has been growing in popularity. MIT has its own instant messaging services.
Website production and development:
Website development and maintenance
Information regarding website production services and website maintenance agreements can be found at the following website:
IS&T Web and Database Stratgey
Service description
Web publishing consultation
MIT community members in search of web, database, and systems integration services may email questions to Ops Help ops-help@mit.edu to learn more. If IS&T is unable to offer direct assistance, a vendor or another team at MIT may be suggested. If you need additional assistance with your web site, Communication Production Services (CPS) http://web.mit.edu/cps/} is available to provide advice on design, content strategy, branding and social media, an ever-expanding library of photos, as well as vendor referrals.
Blogs & Wikis: ||
Wiki service
Wikis and similar collaborative applications have come to be standard workplace and educational tools. IS&T offers a wiki space to groups via a centrally-managed wiki application. The MIT Wiki Service uses a product named Confluence from Atlassian Software.
Service description
Submit a web request
Custom Blogs
Blogging has become a standard technique for workplace and educational communication. IS&T provides the MIT community with a free hosting service via Drupal Cloud. In addition to the creation of custom websites, Drupal cloud provides an easy-to-use blogging feature.
IS&T Drupal Cloud
[Service description|http://ist.mit.edu/drupalcloud
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