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Turn on Shared Folders for VMWare Fusion


How can I access my local Macintosh hard drive from within my VMware Windows XP image? I want to access files on my Desktop or in my Documents directory, amongst other places. For example, I need to open a BrioQuery file that I've saved on my Mac.


These instructions pertain to turning on Shared Folders, in a Windows XP VMware image, installed on Macintosh. The instructions detail adding a shortcut to the user's home directory on the Macintosh, as well as the user's Macintosh desktop.

  1. Follow the menu path Virtual Machine > Settings
  2. From the panel on the left, select Shared Folders
  3. Place a check next to Enabled, and Enabled at Power On.
  4. Under the left hand panel, select the plus sign, then select Add Shared Folder.
  5. To add a Shared folder
    • for the user's home directory on the Macintosh:
      1. Select Enabled.
      2. Add user home as the Name of the shared folder.
      3. In the drop-down menu for path, leave the default value, with the home icon and your username.
      4. Select Apply.
    • for your Macintosh desktop:
      1. Select Enabled.
      2. Add user home as the Name of the shared folder.
      3. In the drop-down menu for Path, select Choose.
      4. In the dialog box that opens, select the Desktop icon in the left-hand panel, then press Open.
        Result: The drop-down menu for Path reflects Desktop.
      5. Select OK to close the Settings dialog box.
  6. Create a shortcut to the shared folders on your Windows image desktop:
    1. Navigate to Start > My Computer. You should see a mapped drive, with a drive letter, such as: Shared folders on '.host' (Z:)
    2. Right click on each shared folder name, and select Create Shortcut.
      Result: A message pops up:

      Windows cannot create the shortcut here.
      Do you want the shortcut to be created on your desktop instead?

    3. Select Yes.
      Result: Shortcuts to your shared folders, used for accessing your local Macintosh, appear on the Windows desktop.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

April 10, 2012

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